Pool Tiger typically installs in under an hour, cuts pool maintenance time, and provides a safer, cleaner pool and spa experience.
- Helps control particulate matter in the pool water
- Improves the capabilities of your pool filter
- Allows for reduced chlorine and chemical usage
- Helps balance pH of pool water and helps to keep acidity levels low
- Causes suspended particles to aggregate, so they are removed in the next filter cycle, making your pool water sparkle!
- Lowers corrosive effects of high acidity, increasing life of pool equipment and finishes
- Quick install, and uses no electricity and no chemicals.
- Nothing to maintain!
As water flows through the Pool Tiger, it is channeled into proprietary nozzles that convert it to water vapor, super-heating it for a fraction of a second. Instantly, the water vapor collapses and reverts back to a liquid.
This conversion from liquid-to-gas-to-liquid makes for very high temperatures. It also creates a strong pulse vibration. This process of hydrodynamic cavitation causes any particulate matter that passes through the Pool Tiger to become negatively charged. These tiny charged particles attract each other and to ‘glom together’ in larger particles, which are then easily cleaned by your pool filter on the next pass.

Does Pool Tiger completely eliminate the need to use chemicals like chlorine?
No. Pool Tiger works very effectively when the pool pump is running but not at all when it isn’t. In addition, many factors affect pool water chemistry, and some pools simply present more challenges than others.
Although we can attest that Pool Tiger can significantly reduce chemical use regardless of the situation, we cannot guarantee that Pool Tiger will be able to deliver perfect water in every pool because pool owners may be reluctant, due to the expense involved, to run their pumps long enough each day to account for the various factors affecting their pool. On very large pools with a single equipment set, a Pool Tiger might not be able to enhance all the water even if you ran the pump 24 hours a day.
For all of these reasons we simply cannot make the claim that Pool Tiger completely eliminates the need to use chemicals like chlorine.
How does Pool Tiger extend the life of pool equipment and finishes?
The sanitizing chemicals added to swimming pools usually contain acid or interact with the water to form various acidic compounds. These acids generally have a corrosive effect on equipment and finishes. Pool Tiger not only reduces the need for these sanitizing chemicals but also stabilizes pH and keeps acidity levels low. Less acidity, less corrosion, longer life.
Can Pool Tiger work on my hot tub?
We make a similar unit called the Spa Tiger, designed to fit most hot tubs. Contact your dealer for more information.
Can you use a Pool Tiger on a saltwater pool?
Yes. Pool Tiger will perform the same functions in saltwater as in regular pool water.
Is there any problem with me installing a Pool Tiger myself?
We have no objection to people installing their own Pool Tiger, which is a relatively simple process. However, we should advise that any failure to follow installation instructions that results in damage to the unit may void the warranty. In addition, some states require that anyone who works on pool equipment or plumbing must be licensed to do so.
Does Pool Tiger heat a swimming pool?
No. Although Pool Tiger’s process creates a heat signature, the unit’s chamber is designed to dissipate heat. By the time the treated water returns to the pool, it is only slightly warmer – a degree or two at most – than the existing pool water, which immediately absorbs the remaining heat and quickly dissipates it. With an unheated pool, sunlight and ambient air are the two factors which most significantly affect the pool’s temperature.
What kind of maintenance does Pool Tiger require?
None whatsoever.
If I buy a Pool Tiger, can I fire my pool service guy?
We would not advise it. Pool chemistry is complex. Pool service technicians are trained to know how the various contaminants interact with each other and how they may affect the health of pool users. In addition, Pool Tiger does not remove the need for basic pool maintenance, such as skimming, emptying baskets and filters, brushing pool walls, checking pool equipment, etc. Pool Tiger certainly improves water quality, but we cannot guarantee perfect sanitation 100% of the time.
Does Pool Tiger come with an instruction manual?
Each Pool Tiger does come with an installation guide. But after that, no instructions are needed. Pool Tiger does what it does naturally. So long as it is properly plumbed into the return line – it should always be the last device or appliance on it – it requires absolutely no care or maintenance of any kind.
How long is a Pool Tiger supposed to last?
Pool Tiger carries a 5-year replacement warranty. It is a solid state unit within an impact-resistant, thermoplastic housing. There are no moving parts to wear out or break down.
What happens if my Pool Tiger breaks or is damaged?
Although the chances of a Pool Tiger being damaged under normal circumstances are very slim, if your unit becomes damaged due to normal handling and operation within 5 years of its install date, you are welcome to return it to receive a replacement unit.
If Pool Tiger is damaged by a catastrophic weather event such as a hail or windstorm, you should include this as part of an insurance claim under your property coverage policy.